Elizabeth Mannen

It’s hard to think of a time when Siteman hasn’t been part of my life. While there are moments and sometimes even full days that this doesn’t seem fair, most days I know my good fortune and the richness of my blessings.

Elizabeth Mannen, left, at Sing for Siteman 2015

Elizabeth Mannen, left, at Sing for Siteman 2015

For me, cancer has given me much more than it’s taken. Cancer has given me clarity, focus, determination, candor, and a keen appreciation for the ironic. No matter how many times, five and counting, that cancer’s come knocking, I still find myself lamenting a “bad hair day” from time to time before I catch myself and remember what it’s like to have a “no hair day.”

Siteman is a fortress and Sing for Siteman one of its important castle keeps. The answer to cancer is research, Sing for Siteman raises dollars for the Discovery Fund that allows groundbreaking research. The connection for me to Siteman and Sing for Siteman is multifaceted. Music is a healing art that provokes great emotion whether I play it, sing along to it, dance to it, or simply listen to it. That Sing for Siteman raises money for the institution that has stood next to me through my battles with ovarian cancer, breast cancer and all that comes with it and after it, makes it an event worth singing about!