Rev. John E. Lewis, IV

In late 2015, my general practitioner reported the results of my PSA exam of 9.7 (the benchmark for African American men being 4.0). He referred me to a urologist who after re-examining me, reported that I had prostate cancer. As I considered my family's history with cancer, there was a part of me that felt that "my journey" would end up as my parents' and maternal grandparents'. Even though I consider myself a man of strong faith, I must admit that I had moments when wondered if I would live to see the dawning of 2020. To make matters worse, my urologist at the team suggested that the treatment best for me is he would monitor me for the next 10 years to see if the cancer would spread. I could not believe that he would suggest treatment that offered no hope. Being a man of faith, my wife and I prayed, trusting that God Almighty would give us the answer... and of course He did.

God calmly reminded me that I had a friend who was an oncologist who happens to work for Siteman Cancer Center. So, we called Dr. Lannis Hall who did what she does best--she started the process to help me. Of course, I had to face her wrath (joined by my wife) for not coming to her sooner. However, after the dust settled, she said to me, "Now let's help you to get better." She outlined several approached to my issue without leaving us with any unanswered questions. We fast forward to January 2019 where after being treated and several follow up visits my PSA is reported at .42 and I'm cancer free.

Thank God... thank you Dr. Lannis Hall, and thank you Siteman Cancer Center.
